Isha’s GMP Consultancy
Isha's GMP Consultancy Private Limited, Chennai - 600 014, India Mon-Sat 09:00 AM- 18:00 PM +91 8667589984


The landscape of statutes of labour laws is constantly evolving, and it takes a special agility to keep abreast of all the latest developments and ensure compliance for legal laws. we offer compliance services for companies to stay safe and up to date with the legal framework.
It is absolutely imperative to ensure compliance with all legal and statutory norms for businesses to operate successfully in India. This often involves significant investment of the company resources, time, and continuous monitoring to be in the know of all the changes that are happening, in order to be compliant and avoid penalties.
With the government regularly changing the laws pertaining to employees and employment, it becomes a challenge for small and mid-sized companies to ensure compliance with the legal framework. What these organisations need is reliable HR compliance services from a company that is experienced in the industry.
To ensure timely and efficient statutory compliance in your organisation, the following aspects must be in place:
  • Unrestricted access to local and regional expertise
  • Expert support during all audits and inspections
  • Following ethical practices
  • Knowledge of timelines for adherence to the many laws and regulations
  • Updated documents and data in a centralised location, and which are readily available
As you can imagine, this takes a lot of effort and investment in terms of money from the employer and manpower from the workers. Not every organisation can afford to or even want to spend so many resources for statutory compliance. Nonetheless, it is absolutely vital for a business to be compliant to all the laws of the land.
With statutory compliances outsourcing to an experienced firm such as Isha’s GMP, you can ensure compliance without having to hire new employees and maintaining a separate HR statutory compliance department for it. .

Comprehensive coverage of labor laws

  • Shops and Commercial Establishments Act (S&E)
  • The Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provision Act – 1952 (EPF)
  • The Employees State Insurance Corporation Act – 1948 (ESIC)
  • The Professional Tax Act (PT) 1975
  • The Labour Welfare Fund Act (LWF) 1965
  • The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act – 1970 (CLRA)
  • The Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation Act), 1986
  • The Minimum Wages Act-1948
  • The Payment of Wages Act-1936
  • The Payment of Bonus Act-1965
  • The Maternity Benefit Act-1961
  • The Payment of Gratuity Act-1972
  • The Equal Remuneration Act-1976
  • The Industrial Establishment (N&FH) ACT 1963
  • The Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) ACT-1959
  • Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) ACT, 2013
  • The Employees Compensation ACT-1923
  • The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) ACT 1946 – Model Standing Order Only
  • The Industrial Disputes ACT 1947
  • The Apprentice ACT, 1961
  • The Interstate Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) ACT, 1979
  • The Factories ACT, 1948
  • The Trade Unions Act, 1926
We have years of service experience and expertise in the following areas
  • Statutory compliance audit
  • Statutory advisory services
  • Statutory benefits administration

Benefits of outsourcing compliance

Our clients benefit from outsourcing HR statutory compliance management in many different ways.
  • Sound corporate governance
  • An increase in focus on strategic business areas
  • A reduction in the labour overheads
  • Timely compliance and adherence to all the different statutes and labour laws
  • Avoidance of all litigation and associated costs that may arise out of non-compliance
  • Complete and accurate maintenance all records that are relevant to compliance

Our scope of work

Isha’s GMP Consultants provides services in statutory compliance in HR across India, covering the following under the labour laws that are applicable to your factory of establishment as per the laws of the state government:
  • Audit of Labour Law compliance
  • Licence application/amendment/renewal
  • Maintenance of statutory registers, records, notices and returns
  • Liaison with Factories, Labour, ESI and PF authorities
  • Remittance of statutory payments
  • Continuous monitoring of contractor compliances
  • Nominations under different legislations
  • Exemptions under labour legislations
  • Benefits under labour legislations
  • Accident coordination activities
When a client engages with us, we conduct a one-time audit before the assignment to assess the current status of statutory compliance within the organisations according to the Central and the State Acts. Then we work towards preparing a detailed audit report which we submit to the client. This audit will reveal all the strong and weak areas in terms of compliance, and lay out a clear plan on how to move forward with statutory compliance in the organisation. Based on the audit findings and consultation with the client, we then proceed with other activities to make sure that the business is hundred percent compliant to all statutes and labour laws.
No matter what the size of your organisation is – small, medium, or large – isha’s GMP Consultancy provides for the growing challenge of complying with the rapidly evolving and highly complex requirements of statutory compliance for your company.