Isha’s GMP Consultancy
Isha's GMP Consultancy Private Limited, Chennai - 600 014, India Mon-Sat 09:00 AM- 18:00 PM +91 8667589984

Operational Excellence

We guide our clients to work smarter and grow faster using design and operational excellence approaches that suit their specific needs and situations to improve the customer experience and business performance against rising competition and Reducing costs. We adopt various methods as mentioned below to identify issues, forming hypotheses, designing and conducting analyses, synthesizing conclusions into recommendations, and helping to implement change.
  • Value stream mapping which exposes waste and bottlenecks in the processes The TPM Approach to Manufacturing Excellence
  • To increase Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE),
  • Reducing the Costs of Poor Quality because Poor quality costs a typical company15-20% of sales annually
  • Building an Effective employee Suggestion System
  • Improving Quality with Six Sigma Process