Isha’s GMP Consultancy
Isha's GMP Consultancy Private Limited, Chennai - 600 014, India Mon-Sat 09:00 AM- 18:00 PM +91 8667589984


One of the most important reasons why you should consider conducting a salary survey is to be able to pay your employees fairly. Some of the main factors as to why many employees leave an organization are that they can receive a better salary, bonus, paid time off, or other benefits at another organization
As an Employer you need to understand that in order to remain ahead of competition, you must be able to recruit and maintain top level talent within your organization and in order to remain competitive in the industry, you must offer salaries that are competitive with similar businesses in your industry, In order to do that, you need to know what those salaries are.
Isha’s will conduct a competitive survey for you and help to bridge the gap between the industry standards and their salary packages. As an organization you cannot provide compensation packages that are either less than the industry standards or are very higher than the market rates.
For Start-up organizations having a salary survey in place will help plan for business inception and growth. Likewise, established organizations often rely on salary data for recruitment purposes because offering competitive wages is one of the keys to recruiting the best talent.
The Salary Survey is customized as per your needs and may include quantifiable aspects of compensation such as:
  • Base Salaries
  • Salary Ranges
  • Allowances & Benefits
  • Increase Percentages or Amounts
  • Starting Salary
  • Working Hours