This is an invitation to master your life now. We see these programs as a rare opportunity with you, privately and personally, the finest skills, strategies, insights, and distinctions that have been acquired over a period of studying some of the most distinguished and influential people in the world.
The Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe
LOA uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in your thoughts and materialize them into reality. In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things eventually. If you focus on negative doom and gloom you will remain under that cloud. If you focus on positive thoughts and have goals that you aim to achieve you will find a way to achieve them with massive action
Isha’s comes with a mission to provide tools that empower people to ignite their dreams, unleash their potential and fulfill their purpose.